from Bari-Airport
Coming from the airport, the driving directions from Bari-airport to Villa Lavanda: go straight until the roundabout. Be aware of the speed bumps! At the roundabout, take the 3rd exit to Bari. After approximately 600 m the road turns to the left. Shortly after that, turn right twice and *follow the direction Bari-Taranto-Brindisi. The first exit at the ring is to the Autostrada (the toll road) to Taranto. Do not take this! After approximately 15 minutes, take the exit to the S.S. 100 direction Taranto.
Then, after approximately 20-25 minutes, you’ll pass Gioia del Colle (do not take the exit to Noci!) and go through a tunnel. After 9 km. you’ll see the second petrol station of the Eni at your right side .
Take 100 m. further the exit to Noci (at Km. 49). Follow this road (S.P. 116 Noci per Castellaneta) for 7.4 km. and turn left. We are on the right side of this (private) road after 100 m. You might follow the signs for: Agriturismo La Mandra. These signs are visible at the S.P. 116 about 100 m. before the entrance to the private road. We are on the same private road but ahead of Agriturismo La Mandra and the grain mill. At night until 01.00 AM all around Villa Lavanda lights are on.
Driving Directions from B&B Villa Lavanda to Bari Airport
Turn right onto the Provincial road and follow this road until the S.S. 100 (Taranto-Bari). Turn right at onto the S.S. 100. Follow this road until the beginning of Bari. A few minutes after 2 very large pines at the right side of the road, there are 2 exits directly after each other. Take the second exit direction Foggia. You’ll arrive at the ring of Bari. (The first signs for Palese airport will appear after approximately 8-10 minutes). Take the exit to the Palese airport. (Do not take the first exit to Palese, a district of Bari!) Turn to the left at the T-Junction. Beyond the overpass, the road turns to the right. Take the first exit at the roundabout and follow the signs for the various car rental companies.
Driving Directions to B&B Villa Lavanda from Brindisi Airport
Follow the directions for the S.S. 379/E 55 to Bari. After 49.8 km. on the S.S. 379/E 55, continue the road onto the S.S. 16. After 2.6 km. take the exit Taranto to Fasano Centro. Stay left and access on the S.S. 172. After 5.1 km. turn right onto the S.P. 1 (Strada Provinciale 1). Go straight at the roundabout onto the S.P. 81. At the next roundabout, take the first exit to Putignano (S.S. 172) At the next roundabout take the second exit to Putignano. At the following roundabout, take the second exit to Gioia del Colle (S.S. 172) After approximately 150 m. turn left to Gioia del Colle and follow this road until the roundabout. Go up to the right onto the roundabout and take the third exit to Noci (S.P. 237). Passing Km. VI-19 turn right to Noci-Gioia del Colle (S.P. 239) At the roundabout, turn right to Gioia del Colle. (S.P. 239/ex. S.S. 604) and on the roundabout after that go straight. Passing Km. IV-9, just before the monastery, turn left onto S.P. 186 to San Basilio (S.S. 100). At night you can recognise the monastery by far due to the blue light in the tower. Turn right at the T-junction onto S.P. 116 to Castellaneta. Turn right at Km. 8.6 onto the private road. We are on the right side of this private road after 100 m.
You might follow the signs for: Agriturismo La Mandra. These signs are visible at the S.P. 116 about 100 m. before the entrance to the private road. We are on the same private road but ahead of Agriturismo La Mandra and the grain mill. At night until 01.00 AM all around Villa Lavanda lights are on.
Driving Directions to B&B Villa Lavanda by car from the Autostrada
Follow the direction Bari-Taranto. When on S.S. 100, turn left to Bari. Turn right after approximately 5 km. (at Km 49) direction Noci. Follow this road (S.P. 116 Noci per Castellaneta) for 7.4 km. and turn left. We are on the right side of this (private) road after 100 m.
You might follow the signs for: Agriturismo La Mandra. These signs are visible at the S.P. 116 about 100 m before the entrance to the private road. We are on the same private road but ahead of Agriturismo La Mandra and the grain mill. At night until 01.00 AM all around Villa Lavanda lights are on.
Do not go to Noci because that is a much more difficult and longer route to Villa Lavanda.
When you reach us from Bari taking the S.S. 100 instead of the toll road, you can follow our instructions from Bari-Airport from * onwards.